Thursday, February 21, 2008

1500 Thread Count Sheets for $108...... You're Welcome

I have these sheets (the 1200 thread count version) and I love them. They are smooth, super thick and crisp. I am running out to get these higher thread count sheets as soon as I am done typing.

It is best to send them out to get washed and pressed. They have a special machine for pressing sheets. I tried to iron them myself and they are too thick. You can just grab them from the dryer, but they will look like crumpled paper and stay that way a little when on the bed. Getting them pressed is like $10 (half a lap dance) but way more worth it.

It is like sleeping in a magical envelope of amazingness. These sheets have ruined staying in hotels for me. I am like "my sheets at home are better." And at these prices....

You're Welcome!

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