Thursday, March 11, 2010

Family time at Cookshop

I love Cookshop. My cousin came into town.  He lives in Paris and outside of Florence.  He and his wife are both American.  I took them to Cookshop with the family and they loved it.  I am sure they had not had biscuits in ages.

 My cousin and my dad, they aren't related or nothing

As you can see my people tend to loose all pigment as they get older.  My cousin is red cause he just came back from Cuba.  My dad is a little yellowish cause the wall behind him is showing through.

Christina, Christian, and Christine

Christina from David Beahm Design came to see the family.  We sat thematically, so it was all the Christi-people in one area.

Me, and Tina

We call my mom Tina.  We have been doing it for years.  Crystal Meth was huge in the gay community a while ago and the nickname for it in the community was Tina.  Every time someone talked about getting hooked on Tina, being high on, or copping Tina,  it took a weird minute for me to make the connection that they were not talking about my mom.

Tina, the mom, not the drug

Here is another shot of Tina.

My Tom with Christina

I tell people that my brother and I are twins.  We were actually born a week and 3 years apart. 

That was it.  Cookshop is great and if you go there, go for Sunday brunch.  It is the only day of the week that they have the Bakery Basket, AKA himmel.

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