Friday, September 26, 2008

Best Apple, go to the farmers market now, and wait for it to open

The headline says alot.

I was at Gods Love We Deliver shooting the cover for this years holiday catalog and Susan Oher the head of the volunteer department foisted this apple on me. She only had one and offered it to me like 3 times. I was the best apple I have had in years.

What kind of apple was it?

A Macoun.

A Macoun apple giving a very Maxim Magazine moment, note the dew, focus behind the subject and it was shot at night? Very saucy. This is the "wet t-shirt on the knees in the surf at sunset" shot of the produce world.

I grew up on a farm upstate. We had a couple of apple trees. We lived down the road from an orchard. I was in 4H with a girl who's family ran an orchard. I know from apples, and this one is amazing.

It is like a Macintosh, but crisper and juicer. It is best suited to the northeast and is in season in October and November. It is a popular road stand and pick your own apple.

I am getting a bunch and then any Rosh Hashanah things I am going to I am bringing them as a hostess gift with a great jaw of raw honey.

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